We use your donations to house, feed, and meet basic needs as we help families and individuals find a path to sustainable living.
Addressing immediate needs
Building bridges
Fostering community connections
Sacramento Kindness Campaign is a 501c3 nonprofit organization.
We work with our community partners to close the gaps in services & resources for our most vulnerable neighbors in greater Sacramento.
We foster improved quality of life through food, safety, shelter, community connections, and overall health. Once basic needs are met, we develop a roadmap to keep them met.
The ultimate outcome is a stronger, thriving community for all.
Kids in Crisis
We provide up to six nights of emergency shelter to unhoused children and their families in Sacramento County. We also provide a welcome kit with essentials, a gas card for easier access to services, a week's wardrobe in a bag for each family member (as needed), and case management to scaffold the families in many layers of community support.
Get Involved
Volunteer your time, make a one time or recurring donation, join our fundraising committee, help us with grant writing, or help connect us with corporate sponsors. Any way you’re ready to join us is so welcome.
We welcome you to join our volunteer team any time. Even one hour each week will make a difference!
“So far, we have furnished hundreds of homes in Sacramento. We have tutored hundreds of children and adults to a better understanding of their subject or the English language. We have put many on the pathway to employment. We have reignited a spark for hundreds of people who thought no one cared about them. Now, they are standing with us, living in a home where they had no home before. They are shoulder to shoulder with us, employed. They are our friends and neighbors, on the road to self sufficiency and empowerment because of you and because of me.”
—Sarah Thompson
Founder & Executive Director of Sacramento Kindness Campaign